6 benefits of AI for your health practice

AI is everywhere! What is it and what benefits may it have for my health practice?

We’ve long been aware of the potential for Artificial Intelligence (AI) to revolutionise many aspects of our lives. So what exactly is it and how can you use it to benefit your health practice?

With new AI technologies emerging every day, practitioners across the UK are beginning to explore how they can use them to create more efficient and effective healthcare experiences for their patients. In this blog post we’ll dive into what’s currently happening in the health AI space; from automation to augmented analytics, so you can learn how AI could be used in your practice in the near future.

What is AI?

AI is when computers can do things that usually need human brains, like figuring out problems, making choices, and understanding words.

AI can cover many different methods and uses, such as machine learning, natural language processing and robotics. These practices let computers learn from information, find patterns, make choices, and talk to humans in normal ways.

Recently AI has been rapidly changing the landscape of service businesses.

It’s seen as useful in automating repetitive and time-consuming tasks, improving customer experiences, and enhancing decision-making.

What potential benefits does AI bring to health & wellness practitioners?

There are two areas that AI will likely help Health & Wellness practitioners.

Clearly some will be more relevant to certain types of practice; and there’s a big question over when these suggestions will become more mainstream. But AI is here to stay, and we’re only really at the start of feeling its impact. Recognising that – and being aware and open to its influence going forward – could be a challenge for many.

There are two parts we feel AI will likely have a material effect on those working in Health & Wellness.

The first area we group under are ‘Service-related’ – those that directly affect your work.

1. New ways to analyse patient data and generate insights that can inform treatment plans

Harnessing the power of AI, Health & Wellness practitioners will be able to delve deeper into patient data and uncover patterns that may have been missed using traditional analysis methods.

This can help them find potential risks early on, based on medical histories, test results and other relevant factors such as age or lifestyle.

By being able to make more informed decisions with this level of accuracy, personalised treatment plans tailored towards each individual’s needs – from genetic predispositions through to gender-related considerations – can be drawn up for improved outcomes in satisfaction among patients overall.

2. Finding patterns and predicting future health risks

Related to the previous, through the power of AI and data analysis, practitioners will now be able to proactively strive for better patient health outcomes.

By utilising available information about a person’s healthcare history, patterns in trends may be found that could show potential risks or conditions before they become more serious.

This early intervention allows medical professionals to take preventative measures which lead towards improved treatment results for patients – setting them up on the path to wellness sooner rather than later!

3. Help practitioners stay up-to-date with the latest research

Staying on top of the latest advances in Health & Wellness is a must for practitioners, but sifting through the heaps of information can be taxing.

To make it easier to stay up-to-date and informed, AI-powered tools will be increasingly useful. From sophisticated search engines that quickly find relevant studies to specialized software solutions – these tech advancements will help practitioners save time while keeping their knowledge fresh, accurate and relevant.

The second area of influence we group come under ‘Management-related’ – those that help you deliver what you do.

4. Help practitioners manage patient data more efficiently and automate administrative tasks.

AI can streamline administrative tasks, enabling practitioners to focus more on providing quality care for their patients.

By using an AI-powered appointment scheduling system and billing solutions, tasks that previously took hours of manual labour will be reduced significantly in time spent – and reducing the risk of errors related to data entry or big data dumps.

This could allow practitioners to gain a clear overview into a patient’s health history without extensive effort being spent towards tedious administration processes.

5. Help in finding areas for improvement and streamline their processes,

As the use of AI becomes more widespread, it presents an opportunity for practitioners to perfect their operations and reduce costs.

For example, inventory management systems powered by AI will help track supply levels with greater efficiency than ever before.

Similarly, automating repetitive tasks through these systems can provide a significant reduction in resources spent on day-to-day activities like scheduling appointments or managing billing processes – leading to both cost savings as well as improved outcomes.

Interested in getting help?


We offer multiple packages that suit all types of Health & Wellness businesses.

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6. Provide new and innovative ways to build a successful practice

With AI-powered tools and software, practitioners will unlock an array of exciting new opportunities to connect with their patients.

Chatbots will provide 24/7 access for information about services as well as answering often asked questions. Telemedicine platforms could offer remote care options that are perfect for those unable to make a physical appointment.

Moreover, collecting patient feedback data offers insight into areas where improvements need to be made or decisions taken in order to ensure the best possible service is being delivered at all times.

AI is the wave of the future and we’re confident it will improve virtually all types of Health & Wellness practice in various ways, both operationally and on the management side.

AI for healthcare practices - a summary

It’s exciting to see how these new technologies will likely be used to make life easier, smarter, and more efficient.

For smaller Health & Wellness practices, there may not be any amazing applications yet, but we think this will change soon as more businesses start investing in this rapidly advancing technology.

Evexus have found AI to be a useful tool. It can do the heavy lifting by planning a social media schedule or an outline structure of a blog. It can even help clear that writers block! But remember, AI is here to support and enhance, not replace. For now anyway.

We still feel the human touch is important. But using it wisely as a tool makes a powerful partnership.

We’re happy to chat about AI though Evexus don’t offer specific products or services related to it. Feel free to reach out. We’re here to help.

And in the meantime, read our next blog, the second on AI which flags some of the potential pitfalls!

The content of this blog is not implied to be and should not be relied on or substituted for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment by any means, and is not written or intended as such. This content is for information purposes only. Consult with a trained medical professional for medical advice.